Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to make 10 dollars a day?

okay so first of all i am 13 years old! okay so i wanna make 140 dollars in two weeks, so thats 7 days and 10 dollars each so 70 and 70 equals 140! so mom doesnt want me walkin in my neighborhood, or goin to people houses, or baby sittin, and i get no allowance, i kno ouch!!! yeah so i want a camera and they said xmas but i cant wait that long! i want it before july possibly, i kno kinda pushin it but plz any ideas, thx and have an awesome day! or night rather :)

Thirty years from now, what do you think America will be like?

My honest opinion and i hate to be cynical about this but i think there will be another civil war on our soil. Just to make this clear, its fun HYPOTHETICAL question. Theres no need to be all serious. I jsut wanna know your answers.

Did you believe in monsters before?

At a young age, my father always told me if I didn't clean my room, a giant monster kitten would come after me and eat me alive. I was terrified for years. Truthfully, I still am. I know monster's aren't real, but I'm scared of giant kittens now.

Are we being fleeced for this cereal? Lucky charms?

They recently started being sold in Ireland, and they cost (in our currency, €7.99 per box) which is $11.50 US Dollars

How far in advance should I book a banquet facility?

Honestly now, people book so far in advance it isn't funny, so if I where you I would do it now. I booked our facility 16 months in advance.Most place ask for a small deposit, but it is worth it to secure your date.

Should I remove zebra finch eggs from the nest a nestling is in?

I have a pair of zebra finches. They hatched an egg (for the first time) about two weeks ago. The nestling is doing well. I thought the parents would not lay eggs until the nestling was out of the nest. At which point I intend to pull the nest out so that the parents will rest. The nestling is still in the nest, and now there are suddenly two eggs with him/her. Now the mother finch has a bald spot. Should I remove the eggs from the nest? I would love an answer from someone who has experience breeding zebra finches.

What'd you guys think, how did I do?

The question is will Lance Moore still produce if Colston doesn't get hurt. QB you have two saftey picks in gusy that can preform on any given week. RB you are deep, especially if Ray Rice becomes the workload back that they think he will. TE you have two strong guys, Folk can go either waym and a steady NEw England Defense, but they sometimes do get burned. I could picture you in the top 4 of your league, all depends on Moore and Rice though. If they do get a lot of production and can register better then last year (which Rice should) I could picture this team going for a top two position in most leagues