Monday, August 8, 2011

How do i wash pollen out of my cats fur?

My cat rubbed against a pollen filled flower and now has pollen all over her. It doesn't rub off and I'm not sure what to use to wash it out. Any advice? My vet wants $200.00 to sedate her and wash her (she's very hard to bathe). They gave her charcoal today (in some wet food) in case she ingested any pollen (which is toxic to cats). Now she's wearing an "E" collar till tomorrow when they will bathe her - if I can't get her cleaned. They couldn't do it today .. in case they needed to sedate her - because feeding her the charcoal was more important (and they can't sedate her on a full stomach in case of vomiting).. my poor little girl. Any ideas on the wash??

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